Archive for May, 2008

Today will be one day i won’t forget in my life. Well simply because it was SME’s AGM. Was fun, emo and a very nice place to be. After this whole thing the only regret is that i was not able to bond with my seniors the way Han Chong did. But i still did feel sad that they have graduated and are moving on to another chapter of their lives.

One again i will say i will REALLY miss my seniors. Don’t really say this but they actually inspire me to do better in both my clubs and my studies. I never actually had seniors who cared so much about me. Well, if i said some more i would be repeating what i said a few posts ago. So.. Read from there if you did not. Today was also the 1st time jhon cried! and btw thats the correct spelling for his name. Cool right?! All of us eventually went up and gave him a hug. haha. Well. don’t really wanna say so much. So I’m ending with this. To the 15th Main com of SME AY 07/08. I love you guys! We will all miss you..

O and special thanks to Yawen and Josias for being my photographers for this event!

Cheers to shitty luck! Now my Lappy is dying, phone and Xbox are dead, a few of my books went missing, My safety goggles disappeared, important files get suddenly deleted. Also my SME AGM is on friday and both the GOH aren’t going and its partially my fault cause i cant get the invites done on time. Next i might just end up getting hit by a car or something. Can my luck now a days get any worse?

Well Special thanks to Weng for helping finish the video, Han Chong to do the programme flow and Peng to do the PPT slides for me! Now I can actually start studying.

That’s it. I’ve now became a zombie. Lifeless, clueless and looking for a purpose in life. Forcing myself to go for class and sometimes forcing a smile while I’m actually crumbling inside. Work just keeps on piling up and now I’m even having trouble coping with my results. Well i guess it might be high time to think of who I’m gonna leave behind VC or SME? Both are equally important. But. I think if i stay on longer I’m gonna really become a zombie.

And well Wee Chang, After 5 years of friendship. I guess i can really call you my “bro” after all. Cheers to that.

I’m getting sick of my lifestyle now. Waking up early cause i need to get to school to do work and I reach home at 10-11+ at night due to meetings, dinner sections or etc. What’s worst is trying to be at 2 places at once. Some times i wish i was back at 1.1 where both VC and SME were not in my life. I might have a tiny fraction of friends but at least i could get enough sleep and could concentrate on my work.

A friend of mine asked me today ” have you thought of quitting a group? ” and well truthfully i was actually thinking off just quitting one of them. One group doesn’t really show I’m of any use what so ever and the other actually has mountains of work for me. Including studies well I’m going insane. Well I’ve got to say even though I’ve been living with crazy work loads, lack of sleep and some times insanely high stress levels, I’m still surviving and well i learned something about myself. I finish what I am sent out to do.

Wishing i can fly off somewhere and come back in a month or so..

I think my head is in a mess. Do this or do that. My head is telling me to do something and my heart is telling me not to. And on another note, my heart is telling me to go and my head is telling me is it really worth it? Thinking, questioning and finding answers. Wish it wasn’t so hard.

Damn.. All the work is driving me nuts. To many things way to little time. Hope i just don’t make a decision which i might just regret for the rest of my life. Like a few others i did before. Until now. Don’t understand why… O well. Guess life is like that.

Well special word of thanks to the people who tried to cheer me up today. Feel blessed to know people like you..

Phew. I survived the week. Even though many things did not go the way i would like it. I would sure remember this week due to a few reasons. 1stly, it was the 1st event the new SME main com organised. And well i could have been a lot better. But hopefully experience would solve the problems. I’m now actually scared to be a organiser for an event. Hopefully i would be prepared for that day.

Next it was my seniors graduation. Won’t say much cause i wrote quite a bit on it yesterday. And finally Humphrey found a new job. After finding out just could not stop myself from hugging him! haha. I guess I’m in the hugging mood now a days. haha! But well. I would miss him too.. Humphrey! Congrats on the job and take care!!!!!!! O and Congrats to Sarah upon graduating today! =D

Well.. Today was graduation for my seniors and I have got to say I’m actually sad that they are going. I might have only known them for about 1+ sem’s in poly but well i got to say i pretty much bonded with them I even dare say that we are like a family. And Well I’m gonna miss them.. A lot..

Now, seeing them in the robes also got me thinking. Am i gonna be like them? Smiling happily, joking around,having a decent GPA and somehow manage to run SME and most importantly having that one piece of paper in their portfolio which says “DIPLOMA IN MECHATRONICS”. Well i got to say i take my hat off to them. Now being at their position, it’s not a very easy task. Looking at them now and actually experiencing what they did. Well… i got to say I have a long road in front of me. Not only do I have to study a lot harder than now, I also have to do my part in running SME to be as successful as before.

Well to the graduated SME main coms of 07-08. Good luck with the path ahead. We promise we will make the AGM one you would remember.

The only photo i have with both people from SME main com AY 07/08 and 08/09.

Damn! I HATE people who tell me what I’m supposed to do at the LAST possible minute!!!!!!!

Damn~ I have GOT to stop being so lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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